Hi, I have this error when trying to lauch a queryrule in Test Platform. Th

I have this error when trying to lauch a queryrule in Test Platform. The same query works fine in Dev Platform:

Expression evaluation error in rule 'ftthzzgetelementsprestabyidpresta' at function 'queryruleexec': Error evaluating function 'queryruleexec' : Unexpected error executing query (type: [FTTHZZELEMENTSRESEAUPRESTAPIVOTDT1620], query: [FTTHZZGetElementsPrestaByIdPresta], order by: [[Sort[id asc]]], filters:[(idprestation = TypedValue[it=1,v=151])])

I thing it is related to the time of execution as when executing the SQL request myself on the database it is slower on Test. Means the probleme is related to an "Appian Run time" to be defined somewhere?

The Logs for the error/exception I get are in attach





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  • The fact that the query works on Dev but not Test may point to the fact that -

    1. The test database has a larger number of records to retrieve than DEV
    2. The test database is experiencing heavy load which may delay and subsequently timeout the query
    3. The timeout settings in Appian for Query Rules are different for Test and Dev

    You can verify that the default query timeout is set in custom.properties as follows -


    Note that it is not recommended to modify this value. Instead and since you mentioned that the query runs slower on Test, it would be good to review and optimize the query perhaps by adding filters to the query rule OR by reducing the number of fields retrieved (by creating a new CDT).