Hello, I am receiving the following error when initiating an action.


I am receiving the following error when initiating an action. (see attached)

"Expression evaluation error in rule 'coe_getdocumentmain' (called by rule 'coe_documentuploadgrid'): Error evaluating function 'queryruleexec' : Unexpected error executing query (type: [COECDTDocumentMainDT4589], query: [COE_getDocumentMain], order by: [[]], filters:[null])"

This error started to occur after revising and republishing a couple of CDTs, including the document_main CDT which is being queried above. Impact Analysis was successful and mappings verified in the data store. To debug, I have republished the CDTs as well as recreated the query rule in question. When inputting the query rule as an expression(to test the output of the query), the same error occurs. I have yet to come across this error, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



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  • To complement the suggestion above: In order to troubleshoot issues where the message is very generic such as: "Unexpected error executing query" you need to reproduce and then find this error in the application-server.log, once you have identified it review each of the individual "Caused by" clauses. Usually the most bottom ones (that belong to that error) will be the most informative ones in the stack trace.

    You won't know what the problem is if you only focus the troubleshooting on the generic "Unexpected error executing query" error message.
  • To complement the suggestion above: In order to troubleshoot issues where the message is very generic such as: "Unexpected error executing query" you need to reproduce and then find this error in the application-server.log, once you have identified it review each of the individual "Caused by" clauses. Usually the most bottom ones (that belong to that error) will be the most informative ones in the stack trace.

    You won't know what the problem is if you only focus the troubleshooting on the generic "Unexpected error executing query" error message.
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