Hi All, I was trying to pass paging info (along with other filtering detail

Certified Lead Developer
Hi All,
I was trying to pass paging info (along with other filtering details) into a rule for use with Download Data Subset; I got everything working but for some reason it would never match the "ascending" value in the on-form sortInfo.

Then I did a test, calling a!toJson directly on a!sortInfo(field: "testFieldName", ascending: false()) - and the resulting JSON string *always* assigns a value of true() to the "ascending" property. I tried seeing if it just always treats boolean properties this way, but in other instances they work. In the attached screenshot I am displaying a sample of each.

Is this a known limitation of calling a!toJson on complex data created by an a! rule? Or maybe just an oversight? For my export requirements I side-stepped the issue by passing the ascending property directly into its own field in the json string, but it seems like such workarounds shouldn't really be necessary.



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