Hi, I would like to ask the community three questions. Prior to asking the quest

Hi, I would like to ask the community three questions. Prior to asking the questions, I would like to give some context and please do let me know if you have questions here:

I am trying to construct a reusable editable grid and trying to make the 'rows' attribute as much generic as possible. In this attempt I have made the rule reference as input, which means that anyone who uses this reusable grid would be able to use their own rule which renders grid row layout.

So simply speaking, the reusable grid rule looks like below:

/*Other attributes of gridLayout removed to make it look simple*/
rows: a!applyComponents(
if(or(isnull(ri!items), count(ri!items) < 1), {}, 1+enumerate(count(ri!items))),
                    /* where ri!name...



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  • ... s that were passed by reference via the rule inputs, ex: nameOfItemsRowEachRule as stated above) to be invoked by passing argiments making use of keywords?
    2. Is there any constraint in naming the rule input, that has the ability to reference a rule? (As stated above, I am unable to name the input as 'rows' and has given another name called 'nameOfItemsRowEachRule')
    3. Are there any other things that one should keep in mind when invoking the rules with the help of reference via rule inputs?
  • ... s that were passed by reference via the rule inputs, ex: nameOfItemsRowEachRule as stated above) to be invoked by passing argiments making use of keywords?
    2. Is there any constraint in naming the rule input, that has the ability to reference a rule? (As stated above, I am unable to name the input as 'rows' and has given another name called 'nameOfItemsRowEachRule')
    3. Are there any other things that one should keep in mind when invoking the rules with the help of reference via rule inputs?
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