Having trouble with a cascading dropdown. Basically, I have an editable grid tha

Certified Senior Developer
Having trouble with a cascading dropdown. Basically, I have an editable grid that has 3 dropdowns. The user selects a user from the first dropdown, assigns a role to the user with the second dropdown and assigns an area of expertise with the third dropdown. I got the rule to work with the first 2 dropdowns, but the choices presented with the third dropdown are dependent on the user selected in the first one. I have a query rule that brings back a list of expertises based on the userId. So I created a local!selectedUserId variable to use in my query rule that displays the dropdown list and added an a!save statement to update that local variable with the selected user id. But I get an error when I access this form because the query rule cannot find a userId. Here's the error I'm getting and I've attached my updated rule for the grid.
Expression evaluation error in rule 'ips_getexpertisebyuserid' (called by rules 'ips_assignuserrolesgr...




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  • @judym No problem at all. Now everything looks good to me so far.

    Are you sure that the value configured by you - index(local!expertise.data,"id",{}) for 'choiceValues' for "Area of Expertise" is returning valid values? I doubt this, because the error is clearly saying that choiceLabels are perfectly populated where as the choiceValues aren't.

    Just in case if you aren't sure about the above question, I am sending you an other version(please find attached the code snippet), which is not valid but will help you skip the error and load the interface and then you can start debugging.
  • @judym No problem at all. Now everything looks good to me so far.

    Are you sure that the value configured by you - index(local!expertise.data,"id",{}) for 'choiceValues' for "Area of Expertise" is returning valid values? I doubt this, because the error is clearly saying that choiceLabels are perfectly populated where as the choiceValues aren't.

    Just in case if you aren't sure about the above question, I am sending you an other version(please find attached the code snippet), which is not valid but will help you skip the error and load the interface and then you can start debugging.
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