Having trouble with a cascading dropdown. Basically, I have an editable grid tha

Certified Senior Developer
Having trouble with a cascading dropdown. Basically, I have an editable grid that has 3 dropdowns. The user selects a user from the first dropdown, assigns a role to the user with the second dropdown and assigns an area of expertise with the third dropdown. I got the rule to work with the first 2 dropdowns, but the choices presented with the third dropdown are dependent on the user selected in the first one. I have a query rule that brings back a list of expertises based on the userId. So I created a local!selectedUserId variable to use in my query rule that displays the dropdown list and added an a!save statement to update that local variable with the selected user id. But I get an error when I access this form because the query rule cannot find a userId. Here's the error I'm getting and I've attached my updated rule for the grid.
Expression evaluation error in rule 'ips_getexpertisebyuserid' (called by rules 'ips_assignuserrolesgr...




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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    You are correct with your assumption. expertiseId is of type integer and expertise is of type text. The query rule basically gets all data where 'userId = userId' and sorts by expertise. The actual data type has an id (a/I), userId, expertiseId, and expertise. So userId 4 may have 3 records (areas of expertise) in the table whereas userId 6 may have 2 areas of expertise. All users have at least 1 record in the table. Does that help?
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    You are correct with your assumption. expertiseId is of type integer and expertise is of type text. The query rule basically gets all data where 'userId = userId' and sorts by expertise. The actual data type has an id (a/I), userId, expertiseId, and expertise. So userId 4 may have 3 records (areas of expertise) in the table whereas userId 6 may have 2 areas of expertise. All users have at least 1 record in the table. Does that help?
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