Hi, We are trying to retrieve float values from database but the value retu

We are trying to retrieve float values from database but the value returned is rounded to 1 decimal.
For eg: When the value in database is 100.54, queryrule and queryentity return value as 100.5 whereas executequery returns 100.54.
We modified the xsd to include the JPA annotation columnDefinition for an attribute which didnt change the output of the query rule. Please see attached document for further info and let me know if I am missing anything.




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  • Hi Sonal, thanks for the reply,
    1. We are using Oracle 10g
    2. In my example, using fixed(todecimal(ruleinput)) shows the correct output, however, now there is a mismatch between what is shown in Live view vs what is shown in the Data view in the Interface designer (See attachment)
    Also, any idea why is this happening intermittently? ...for the 3rd attribute (GST_AMOUNT) it is showing correctly.

  • Hi Sonal, thanks for the reply,
    1. We are using Oracle 10g
    2. In my example, using fixed(todecimal(ruleinput)) shows the correct output, however, now there is a mismatch between what is shown in Live view vs what is shown in the Data view in the Interface designer (See attachment)
    Also, any idea why is this happening intermittently? ...for the 3rd attribute (GST_AMOUNT) it is showing correctly.

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