Does Appian (7.11 on-premise) have any easy way in an expression/SAIL to perform

Does Appian (7.11 on-premise) have any easy way in an expression/SAIL to perform the common looping type logic most languages have? Specifically I would like to be able to perform for-next/while/do-until type loops on some other functions and data.
Examples in other languages:
VB: For indexB = 20 To 1 Step -3
C/java: for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Fortran: DO I = I_START, I_END, I_INC
A(I) = x+y, etc.
Basic: FOR cntr = 1 TO 100
total = total + 10
NEXT cntr

I looked through the forums a bit as well as the plugins/expression library and the documentation and I can't find any way to do looping of this type other than via a process model or the somewhat constraining apply(), all(), etc. type functions.

Today I had a need to create a list/array of integers representing years (2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017). In most languages I would concatenate values for (myyear = 2012; myyear <= 2017;...



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