How does contextProcessModels property of a!queryProcessAnalytics() function wor

How does contextProcessModels property of a!queryProcessAnalytics() function work?

My a!queryProcessAnalytics() function works great below when using contextProcessModels, but when I try and switch to contextProcessIds to display just the current process, it returns nothing. So then I backed up and just tried to hard-code the process ID that I want which is 6400, and that doesn't work. I tried using the processId variable and toInteger(6400) but no luck. What gives?

How is the contextProcessIds used correctly to return just those process IDs (pp!id) and can you show an example?

Thanks much!

local!report: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
/* contextProcessModels: cons!EOB_MAIN_PROCESS_MODEL, */



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  • Sikhivahans, thanks for the info. I should be able to work out a solution with that.

    But what I don't understand is why can't I get the 1 context of a process to work. If I switch the report used to one I just created making a copy of "Active Processes" and add the pp!id to that report, and then use contextProcessIds passing in the ri!processId (which I also display and can see is correct), it still returns an empty set. See the screen shot. If the report context is now Process and I'm passing in a valid processId for that environment, than shouldn't it return that 1 process?

  • Sikhivahans, thanks for the info. I should be able to work out a solution with that.

    But what I don't understand is why can't I get the 1 context of a process to work. If I switch the report used to one I just created making a copy of "Active Processes" and add the pp!id to that report, and then use contextProcessIds passing in the ri!processId (which I also display and can see is correct), it still returns an empty set. See the screen shot. If the report context is now Process and I'm passing in a valid processId for that environment, than shouldn't it return that 1 process?

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