How does contextProcessModels property of a!queryProcessAnalytics() function wor

How does contextProcessModels property of a!queryProcessAnalytics() function work?

My a!queryProcessAnalytics() function works great below when using contextProcessModels, but when I try and switch to contextProcessIds to display just the current process, it returns nothing. So then I backed up and just tried to hard-code the process ID that I want which is 6400, and that doesn't work. I tried using the processId variable and toInteger(6400) but no luck. What gives?

How is the contextProcessIds used correctly to return just those process IDs (pp!id) and can you show an example?

Thanks much!

local!report: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
/* contextProcessModels: cons!EOB_MAIN_PROCESS_MODEL, */



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  • Sikhivahans,
    All the examples you list below require selecting the process instances. I just want to show the open Tasks for the current Process on the Process-backed record. I want to display the Tasks for the current Process ID. Obviously I can't pre-select the process ids when building the report as they're determined at run time. I thought I could filter to the current process using the current process id, but if a report can't be built that would have Process at the context (like all processes for a given process model - but that would have a context of Process Model I believe); so perhaps using contextProcessIds is the wrong approach. How would you use queryProcessAnalystics with a report to return the Tasks for the current Process?

    Few categories which will serve your purpose of testing 'contextProcessIds' are as follows:
    1. Current Tasks for Process
    2. Sub-processes per Process
    3. Tasks by process
  • Sikhivahans,
    All the examples you list below require selecting the process instances. I just want to show the open Tasks for the current Process on the Process-backed record. I want to display the Tasks for the current Process ID. Obviously I can't pre-select the process ids when building the report as they're determined at run time. I thought I could filter to the current process using the current process id, but if a report can't be built that would have Process at the context (like all processes for a given process model - but that would have a context of Process Model I believe); so perhaps using contextProcessIds is the wrong approach. How would you use queryProcessAnalystics with a report to return the Tasks for the current Process?

    Few categories which will serve your purpose of testing 'contextProcessIds' are as follows:
    1. Current Tasks for Process
    2. Sub-processes per Process
    3. Tasks by process
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