I have an issue with a a!queryEntity where the local!datasubset.totalCount is co

I have an issue with a a!queryEntity where the local!datasubset.totalCount is correct in the query rule, but is wrong in the interface which calls this query rule. I am trying to display this data in a grid. I think this has to do with paging and found some other posts about this issue but the fixes mentioned do not seem to work for me so I must be missing something fundamental.
Basically what is happening is I can see that 101 records are being returned in the a!queryEntity through local!datasubset.totalCount but when I display this data in a grid, only 68 records are displayed. Within my grid, the "totalCount" parameter is set to local!datasubset.totalCount.
My pagingInfo is set to the same amount in both the a!queryEntity and the rule which displays the data. Also, if I change the batch size to -1 on both the query entity and the rule, I get all expected results, however, I do not want to display all 101 records at once. I wa...




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