I have observed unexpected behavior for isusernametaken function. When we pass a

I have observed unexpected behavior for isusernametaken function. When we pass an empty string to it, it returns true.
As per my understanding this should not be the case. isusernametaken should return true for only the users which exist (activated/deactivated) in the system. This was observed on Appian 7.11
fn!isusernametaken("") - true



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  • @Shyamb, it is not about fn! , which is simply an optional domain prefix for Appian functions.
    I meant that the function isusernametaken returns true even if we pass an empty string. I think it should return false or it should give an error when empty string is passed.
    As suggested by Stefan, we can use isnull before passing it to the function.
  • @Shyamb, it is not about fn! , which is simply an optional domain prefix for Appian functions.
    I meant that the function isusernametaken returns true even if we pass an empty string. I think it should return false or it should give an error when empty string is passed.
    As suggested by Stefan, we can use isnull before passing it to the function.
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