Hello: I am trying to convert a datetime from current timezone (India


I am trying to convert a datetime from current timezone (India GMT+05:30) to (GMT GMT+0) timezone

none of the attempts have given me the correct result which should be:
6/8/2016 12:01 AM GMT+05:30

The starting datetime is:

datetime(2016, 06, 08, 0, 01)
6/8/2016 5:31 AM GMT+05:30


local(datetime(2016, 06, 08, 0, 01),1200)
6/9/2016 1:31 AM GMT+05:30

local(datetime(2016, 06, 08, 0, 01),"GMT")
6/8/2016 5:31 AM GMT+05:30

gmt(datetime(2016, 06, 08, 0, 01),1200)
6/7/2016 9:31 AM GMT+05:30

gmt(datetime(2016, 06, 08, 0, 01),"GMT")
6/8/2016 5:31 AM GMT+05:30

rule!minusMinutes(330, datetime(2016, 06, 08, 0, 01))
6/9/2016 12:01 AM GMT+05:30

/* rule!minusMinutes */
fn!datetime(fn!year(ri!dateTime), month(ri!dateTime), day(ri!dateTime), hour(ri!dateTime), minute(ri!dateTIme)-ri!minutesToSubtract, second(ri!dateTIme))



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