Query Rule times out due to slow db view

Query Rule times out due to slow db view (with minimal returned data):
We have a process model that uses a script node to call a query rule. The query rule looks at an MS SQL view and returns a small set of data, usually less than 10 rows with 16 columns of data. We then email this relatively small CDT of data to users. This happens in the background hourly and the UI is invisible to the users, so the length of time the process takes is somewhat irrelevant to us (it runs async and could take 1-2 minutes without anyone caring).

The view's business logic performs a left join between 2 tables and includes about 6 items in the where clause. We currently do not have any indexes on our base tables and in development this wasn't a problem but after deploying this particular view to production we are seeing the script node time out most of the time. The prod tables are joining 2 tables with 100 thousand & 1.6 million rows (hinting at tabl...



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I know this is not what you are asking, but keep in mind one bad query (especially one that runs repeatedly) can affect all performance activity within the db. Running top will tell you where this falls in the land of affecting the db. Explain plan will show you where to focus your tuning efforts.
    You may know all this, I just want to say upping limits to let this continue could cause down stream impacts to any processes writing to or querying the same tables as well as just other usage within the db.
    Good luck!
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I know this is not what you are asking, but keep in mind one bad query (especially one that runs repeatedly) can affect all performance activity within the db. Running top will tell you where this falls in the land of affecting the db. Explain plan will show you where to focus your tuning efforts.
    You may know all this, I just want to say upping limits to let this continue could cause down stream impacts to any processes writing to or querying the same tables as well as just other usage within the db.
    Good luck!
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