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if you want to do a date + day you should use the day() funtion
i.e. now() + 7*day() will give you today + 7 days.
Try with this:
But my rule is not working . Can you suggest here why its filtering data for upcoming days. I have correct data in DB . For today() its working fine but whenever i try to fetch today()+1 or the way you suggested both are not working.
=a!queryEntity( entity: cons!TEST, query: a!query( logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { if( ri!dateFlag = "date", a!queryFilter( field: "start", operator: "=", value: todatetime( today() ) ), a!queryFilter( field: "start", operator: ">", value: todatetime(today()+5*day()) ) ) } ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1 ) )).data
I have checked this. Its coming out without filtering even coming out with todatestamp(today()) also. I have saved this in DB as timestamp only. Its not working with (>,today()+1,etc) where ever i am trying to fetch data greater then current date.