Display Referance Data

Certified Lead Developer
I have below scenarion , I am looking for some design practices for it

I have Employee list in Employee CDT




I want to show employee empId,firstName,designationDescription in grid.
Whats are the best possible solution to show designationDescription in grid with minimum number of database calls.

Below are some solution approach i have in my list
1. Create view for Employee Details
1. Need to create extra view and CDT
2. Pass designationId list and get designationDescirption
Desgination desciption might not come in sorted order of desgination id for in operator


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    View is my general approach so that I can tune view without making changes in Appian.

    However, yours is a simple call and only two tables.

    I have tested previously that this simple of a query across two tables is straight forward for hibernate. If you create a CDt that holds designation as nested, the query across two tables in hibernate will be very similar in execution time to using a view.

    So, you really need to look at what all you want to do with the data. If you are going to filter by designation a lot, a view might make sense.

    Just my thoughts. Hope that helps.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    View is my general approach so that I can tune view without making changes in Appian.

    However, yours is a simple call and only two tables.

    I have tested previously that this simple of a query across two tables is straight forward for hibernate. If you create a CDt that holds designation as nested, the query across two tables in hibernate will be very similar in execution time to using a view.

    So, you really need to look at what all you want to do with the data. If you are going to filter by designation a lot, a view might make sense.

    Just my thoughts. Hope that helps.
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