Expression Error - Invalid index

Hi All, I'm getting the following error:

Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error in rule 'ctm_reviewissuesform' at function a!formLayout_17r1 [line 16]: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'protocolNum' of type Text into type List of Variant

Note the below code snippet does not match the line numbers mentioned in this error, I just took a piece of the code to display here. The error [line 16] refers to [line 5] below--

The scenario is that I've edited the Label of one Interface to the following: 

    label: if(
      condition: isnull(ri!step), 
      valueIfTrue: "Review Monitoring Form Issues for " & 
        rule!CTM_getStudyProfileInfoById(ri!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.studyProfileID).data.protocolNum & 
        " (ID: "& ri!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.eventID & ")",
      valueIfFalse: choose(ri!step,
         "Set Resolution Due Dates & Send Initial Summary to Study Team for "&
         & " | " & rule!CTM_getRefDataLabelById(local!site.siteName).label
         & " | " & rule!CTM_displaySubInvestigatorNames(local!studyProfileSite.subInvestigator)
         &" (ID: "&ri!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.eventID&")",
         "Review & Resolve Identified Issues for Protocol " &
         & " | " & rule!CTM_getRefDataLabelById(local!site.siteName).label
         & " | " & rule!CTM_displaySubInvestigatorNames(local!studyProfileSite.subInvestigator)
         &" (ID: "&ri!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.eventID&")"

I only see this error when running tasks that were initiated PRIOR to this code change (originally it was a generic naming label and ID#) -- I don't know why this error is thrown only in older processes and not the newer ones? What piece of data is missing? I thought at first it was missing something and passing a null value, but clearly the error has more to do with the indexing properties not matching in type, but I'm not sure where to even look to fix. 



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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    ou may find some success with casting the result of your query to the correct type. Ex.

    cast(typeof(type!YourCDTType()), rule!CTM_getStudyProfileInfoById(ri!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.studyProfileID).data).protocolNum

    I also recommend avoiding dot notation when accessing values ex.

    index(cast(typeof(type!YourCDTType()), index(rule!CTM_getStudyProfileInfoById(index(ri!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT, "studyProfileID", null)), "data", {})), "protocolNum", null)

    Using index() instead of dot notation will return the third parameter instead of throwing an invalid index error.

  • Hi Josh,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I tried the cast(typeof(type!CDT) but it didn't like it -- I get this error instead now:

    Error Evaluating UI Expression
    Expression evaluation error in rule 'ctm_reviewissuesform' at function 'cast' [line 16]: Could not cast from Text to Type. Details: CastInvalid

    I'm going to try the index option now after I create a new local variable to store the multiple rule calls I'm using. May have questions on this too.

  • Hi Sarah,

    Yes, you need to use the index function to handle the issue however do all these calculation in a local variable inside with and use the local variable to use for label for clarity of the code.
Reply Children
  • Hi Ravi, agreed on the local variable, thanks -- I successfully created the local and called it using the index() which got the form to load - success!

    Now I'm facing trouble in the User Input Task naming as I used similar code to display the task name similar to the Interface based on step, so I get this massive error in the task names now:


    How do I do something similar to index() but inside of the (notsofriendly) User Input Task Display Name expression editor?? The code looks like this now: 

    =choose(pv!step,"Set Resolution Due Dates & Send Initial Summary to Study Team for "
    &  rule!CTM_getStudyProfileInfoById(pv!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.studyProfileID).data.protocolNum  
    & " | " &rule!CTM_getRefDataLabelById(pv!CTM_STUDY_PROFILE_SITE.siteName).label& " | " 
    & rule!CTM_displaySubInvestigatorNames(pv!CTM_STUDY_PROFILE_SITE.subInvestigator)
    &" (ID: "&pv!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.eventID&")","Review & Resolve Identified Issues for Protocol "
    &  rule!CTM_getStudyProfileInfoById(pv!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.studyProfileID).data.protocolNum  
    & " | " &rule!CTM_getRefDataLabelById(pv!CTM_STUDY_PROFILE_SITE.siteName).label& " | " 
    & rule!CTM_displaySubInvestigatorNames(pv!CTM_STUDY_PROFILE_SITE.subInvestigator)
    &" (ID: "&pv!CTM_MONITORING_EVENT.eventID&")")

    Thanks all!

  • Hi Sarah,

    Your error is clearly says that the query rule has null value so it is breaking in the rule rule!CTM_getRefDataLabelById. Handle null value inside the query rule.
