I have Related Actions task as 'Update Vehicle' on Records view but when I am clicking on Update Vehicle action then any operation is not performed and system is just giving the message as 'Action Completed Successfully'. Ideally it should open all the details of record so that update operation can be performed. But, it is just redirecting me to Summary view tab of that record
I just want to update the existing information from related tasks option. But system is not allowing me to do so. Please help.
In process model, I have a gateway XOR for updating ID and a script task (having only output values).
See below screenshot.
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Hi shiprav, Did you configured the correct process model for the related action "Update Vehicle", please check and pass the correct context parameters for the configured process model.
if you still cannot able to proceed, can you share the screen shot of the record how you configured the related action?
Thanks Chandu for your reply.
Please find the attached document having all screenshots of process model and properties.
Screenshots shiprav.docx