Trying to not create a task but display an interface

I am trying to display an interface but not create a task. I want to click on the highlight button but it won't let me

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  • Hi Sergiog,

    There are two types of nodes in Appian,
    Attended Node: Any node that requires a User Intervention is called attended node
    unattended Node.: Any node that doesnot require a user intervention is called un attended node.
    All the unattended node by default will have that option enabled i.e. This node will run as automated activity. It will not be assigned to anyone as task.
    For Attended nodes, The node must be assigned to a person or group.

    Script Task is an example of Un attended node and User input task is an example of attended node.
  • Hi Sergiog,

    There are two types of nodes in Appian,
    Attended Node: Any node that requires a User Intervention is called attended node
    unattended Node.: Any node that doesnot require a user intervention is called un attended node.
    All the unattended node by default will have that option enabled i.e. This node will run as automated activity. It will not be assigned to anyone as task.
    For Attended nodes, The node must be assigned to a person or group.

    Script Task is an example of Un attended node and User input task is an example of attended node.
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