"The record type [identifier=SYSTEM_RECORD_TYPE_USER] does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have sufficient privileges to access its data":

Hi All,

When we deactivated any user in appian system we are getting the error as ""The record type [identifier=SYSTEM_RECORD_TYPE_USER] does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have sufficient privileges to access its data". but i am  mapping to the correct record type still the same error is throwing. Previously it was worked for appian 20.3 version but recently we have migrated to 21.1 version. Could you please let me know whether it causes any issue.

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  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your reply,

    As a Admin who have deactivate  the user we are changing the status  ID from Activate to Deactivate  in database table. When we try to pull  all the cases related to that particular person from that table where we are using record type its used to work previously  but currently it was not working  after the migration from Appian system 20.3 to 21.1. It is intermitted happening sometimes its pulling the data but not working always. Could you please let me know can we have to check from migration point of view or we have to check in any other side.

  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your reply,

    As a Admin who have deactivate  the user we are changing the status  ID from Activate to Deactivate  in database table. When we try to pull  all the cases related to that particular person from that table where we are using record type its used to work previously  but currently it was not working  after the migration from Appian system 20.3 to 21.1. It is intermitted happening sometimes its pulling the data but not working always. Could you please let me know can we have to check from migration point of view or we have to check in any other side.
