As per Appian 21.1 ( now we should be able to open the link on same tab.
I tried testing this but the link opens in new tab regardless of the value that is set to the parameter openLinkIn
Test Code in 21.1.
a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!linkField( links: { a!safeLink( label: "Safe Link", uri:"">", openLinkIn:"SAME_TAB" ) } ) } )
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Are you getting this behavior in the Interface Designer, or somewhere else?
Also I assume this might just be a copying error but it looks like your uri string has an extra leading ">" symbol at the moment:
Created sample application and tested it on tempo.
Regarding ">" in uri it was added automatically when I submitted my post in community .
I just tried and confirm that the "SAME_TAB" functionality works as expected both on a site as well as in a Tempo report - using both a!linkField() as well as my preferred method, which is a Rich Text Display field with a link added.
If you try different browser(s) does the behavior stay the same for you?
Not sure what is the issue at my end as its straight forward settings.
Let me give one more try if that doesn't work will work with product support team.
Yep, that's what I was going to recommend too