Submit Button is not working?

After Submitting a form by clicking Submit Button, it says action is completed . But unfortunately Page is not refreshing?

PS: My Button type is Submit.

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  • Is your process model chained from the Start node through (and including) the node that applies the update. If the chain is broken before this update step then control is returned to the User and the page is refreshed, but you're effectively in a race condition where the refresh and the update are racing, and where it is likely the refresh happens BEFORE the update is applied.,

  • Is your process model chained from the Start node through (and including) the node that applies the update. If the chain is broken before this update step then control is returned to the User and the page is refreshed, but you're effectively in a race condition where the refresh and the update are racing, and where it is likely the refresh happens BEFORE the update is applied.,
