how can we set based on user login locale, locale/internationalization by sail in appian

Certified Senior Developer


I need to set appian internationlization based on user locale after login, like if user's native language is hebrew  I need to set appian internalization to hebrew after login using his language preference,

some guide and help will be thankfull.

Note:  I know i can do this by admin console manually 

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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stewart Burchell

    I have done that document based translation in key value pair by uploading properties file, loading by bundle and accessing by key through that bundle, but my concern is when i select from admin console as hebrew,  UI get aligned as, hebrew typing are from right to left, based on that , dropdown arrow , validation messages all are aligned from right to lefttherefore if someone has us lang that should be left to right vice versa
