Reusable grid

Certified Senior Developer


I am attempting to make a reusable grid using a passed ri! of type Any with a cdt type being passed into it.

Optionally I am thinking about passing in a list of column names so I can specify the order the grid displays columns in.

From there I wanted to do a foreach generating the N grid columns using field names and types grabbed from the passed cdt..

1.I don't know if there is a way to get a list of all the fields a cdt type has.

2. I am unsure if there is a way to get their types.

Any tips?  

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    I don't know if there is a way to get a list of all the fields a cdt type has.

    a!keys()  -->

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    FWIW, this sounds like a neat exercise but I don't expect that this level of "reusable grid" will be worth the effort you put into it, in a production-usable sense.  The read-only grid component is already easy enough to configure that it can basically just be designed as-needed, or if you have a use case where you need a bunch of different interfaces to use a similar one, then you can set up a reusable one under that slightly-narrower scope.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    There are other bits of functionality I want to add in that increase its worth if reusably programmed.

    Did not include them here was I wanted to keep the question simple.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to roberts0186

    I support Mike point of view. Creating a reusable component this close to the original will probably not help much.

    Over the years I developed quite a few reusable components. In case you are interested, I would be willing to support you. Which functionalities do you plan?

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    I was brainstorming filter designs. Most of these are oriented around uncluttering filter usage without forcing the user to drill into hidden filters. When i say a filter I imagine something in the format below.


    1. A filter that toggles the filtered field based on a set of autogenerated buttons in a line above your column names, named after the column names. See below

    [CreatedBy] [CreatedDate] [Serial]

    [______Enter text here_____________]

        -I wasn't a fan of how cluttered things get with a dozen _Enter text heres__ normal filters in mass.

         -Even with hiding them when not in use, I feel  they either take too long to drill into or too many are shown at once with larger queries.

       -Buttons would reduce this space usage and allow faster filter choosing and cleaner space. This could cover about twice the number of column names in the space a normal filter uses.

       - Design decision with this is only one thing is filtered on at a time.

    2. Most users probably only filter on a few columns.  A way to let users choose their own configuration of normal filters might be useful.  Add on filters by giving them a multi selectable dropdown with column names to enable/disable.

        -I would like the dropdown autogenerated.

    Some features seem too complicated as I type them out like  letting a user create a preset that exists each time they log in. Plus I feel they would require creating tables for the info and would definitely stop the generic-ness of the rule I has wanted.


    (Kyle sets it up so he sees ID and FinishDate filters)  (Marie sets her preset to see filters for ID and CreatedBy)

    Anyway I think this is all a bit beside the point.  Came here looking for ways to extract column info from things like datasubsets to automate the above. Thats what I want tips on here.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    I was brainstorming filter designs. Most of these are oriented around uncluttering filter usage without forcing the user to drill into hidden filters. When i say a filter I imagine something in the format below.


    1. A filter that toggles the filtered field based on a set of autogenerated buttons in a line above your column names, named after the column names. See below

    [CreatedBy] [CreatedDate] [Serial]

    [______Enter text here_____________]

        -I wasn't a fan of how cluttered things get with a dozen _Enter text heres__ normal filters in mass.

         -Even with hiding them when not in use, I feel  they either take too long to drill into or too many are shown at once with larger queries.

       -Buttons would reduce this space usage and allow faster filter choosing and cleaner space. This could cover about twice the number of column names in the space a normal filter uses.

       - Design decision with this is only one thing is filtered on at a time.

    2. Most users probably only filter on a few columns.  A way to let users choose their own configuration of normal filters might be useful.  Add on filters by giving them a multi selectable dropdown with column names to enable/disable.

        -I would like the dropdown autogenerated.

    Some features seem too complicated as I type them out like  letting a user create a preset that exists each time they log in. Plus I feel they would require creating tables for the info and would definitely stop the generic-ness of the rule I has wanted.


    (Kyle sets it up so he sees ID and FinishDate filters)  (Marie sets her preset to see filters for ID and CreatedBy)

    Anyway I think this is all a bit beside the point.  Came here looking for ways to extract column info from things like datasubsets to automate the above. Thats what I want tips on here.

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