Not getting output of Process Variables in Interface while using Site

Hi All ,

I have a very strange scenario .

I have created an Interface which shows Data in Editable Grid, I want to Export this Data into an Excel File.

In order to Export the Excel File , I have created a Process Model which stores the required document into One Document Folder.
Now, I want to have a link to download that particular file.

I am able to do everything , While testing Interface , I am getting output of process variable ( i.e. the Exported Document) but when I am using that Interface in Site I am not getting output from Process Model.

Here is the image of Process Model:

                      processModel: cons!MBUA_PM_EXPORTEXCEL,
                      processParameters: { gridData: ri!excelData,  },
                      onSuccess: a!save(
Here is the code which I have used for Starting this Process Model.

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  • Any reason you're trying to save the generated document to a rule input (ri!document) rather than a local! variable? (note: is your ri!document variable mapped to a corresponding ac! variable in your process? Remember that an ri! rule input is not a variable in its own right, it's a pointer to a variable. If your pointer isn't mapped to an actual ac!variable then your a!save() isn't going to work)

  • Any reason you're trying to save the generated document to a rule input (ri!document) rather than a local! variable? (note: is your ri!document variable mapped to a corresponding ac! variable in your process? Remember that an ri! rule input is not a variable in its own right, it's a pointer to a variable. If your pointer isn't mapped to an actual ac!variable then your a!save() isn't going to work)
