Hi All ,
I have a very strange scenario .
I have created an Interface which shows Data in Editable Grid, I want to Export this Data into an Excel File.
In order to Export the Excel File , I have created a Process Model which stores the required document into One Document Folder.Now, I want to have a link to download that particular file.I am able to do everything , While testing Interface , I am getting output of process variable ( i.e. the Exported Document) but when I am using that Interface in Site I am not getting output from Process Model.Here is the image of Process Model:
a!startProcess( processModel: cons!MBUA_PM_EXPORTEXCEL, processParameters: { gridData: ri!excelData, }, onSuccess: a!save( ri!document, fv!processInfo.pv.exportedExcel ) )
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Any reason you're trying to save the generated document to a rule input (ri!document) rather than a local! variable? (note: is your ri!document variable mapped to a corresponding ac! variable in your process? Remember that an ri! rule input is not a variable in its own right, it's a pointer to a variable. If your pointer isn't mapped to an actual ac!variable then your a!save() isn't going to work)
Adding to what Stewart said, Sites do not support rule inputs for interfaces. Open that site and you will see a red triangle showing this error. Use local variables instead.
Doh! You're right, hadn't spotted the Site context. In which case, yes, fully endorse use of a local! variable.
It worked , but can you answer on why Rule Input wasn't working ?And what does (ri!document variable mapped to a corresponding ac! variable in your process) this means . I am new to Appian , just started 1 month back so I just know ac means [Activity Class]