I'm in a discussion with a colleague on whether its legal to use {} to delimit nested variables in an if statement.
if( { this
and(or( isnull(local!shortRecon.recordsRequested), isnull(local!shortRecon.reconsiderationRequested) ), local!claim.claimStatusId<>cons!OWB_DBID_LOOKUP_ID_CLAIM_STATUS_FINAL_ORDER_ISSUED ) }, and this
{ this
if(isnull(local!shortRecon.recordsRequested),a!save(ri!recon.recordsRequested,false),{}), if(isnull(local!shortRecon.reconsiderationRequested),a!save(ri!recon.reconsiderationRequested,false),{})
}, and this {} )
Is this acceptable use?
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I'm not even sure what you mean by "nested variables" in the context of the code sample you've posted here. Any chance you could post a cleaner example, with indentation, and in a Code Box where it'll maintain some amount of readability? If any of the wording ("and this" etc) is meant as annotative, then put it in /* comment blocks */ for clarity.
I will say, up front, that you can nest and() and or() conditional logic to almost any level (limited only by a viewer's ability to make sense of whatever spaghetti code we end up creating), which never requires "{}" - since as Stefan correctly noted, these specifically incidate arrays to Appian.
Mea culpa !
michaelk1933 said:Mea culpa !
No need for apologies We merely want to coax out of you what you're actually intending to do, hopefully to provide clarification as far as creating Appian code that's more graceful and/or efficient.