Pass a rule/expression output to an interface + show related data

Hi! I was creating a PO interface and I want two of the fields to appear automatically:

1) Field 1: NomProv (supplier name)

- In this case, I have a record type in which a "NomProv" value (and also, the NIF number, an extra field) is assigned to each username ("usuario"). It is an static record, and I want it to make relations between the fields, and obtain the "NomProv" for each username ("usuario")

To obtain the nomProv for each user logged in,  I created the following rule expression:

In this case, I´m logged in as, so it returns the value "Proveedor 2" as a test output (works fine for me)

But the fact is that I want to pass this test output ("Proveedor 2") to a field in my interface so that the user cannot change it. But I dont know how to pass the rule expression output to the text field! Also, I tried to pass the value as a local variable, but it is not allowed:

2) Field 2: NIF

- After passing the suppliers name ("Proveedor 2"), I want the NIF text component to be generated automatically using the relation between nomProv and NIF (each nomProv has one NIF associated in the record . type). To make it easier to understand, my idea was to do another query (I pass the nomProv value, which is saved in a rule input of the interface---> returns the NIF as an output --> i save it into the interface) , but I would like to listen to your recommendations. How can I do it?

Any help would be useful. Thanks for your time!

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  • Just call this expression rule you have created, in an interface and save it in a local variable and use it in the Proveedor text field "value" parameter by indexing the field.

    For NIF you can either create a new queryRecord Expression or use the created one and add the relationship using relatedRecordData()

    You can take reference from below:

    local!Proveedor: property(rule!CPF_ObtenorNomProveedor(),"data",null),
    /*Create another query record rule for NIF and pass the proveeder value as below*/
    local!NIF: property(rule!NIFQuery(Proveedor: property(local!proveedor, recordType!CPFMaestroProvedores.nomProv, null)),"data",null),
    /*in the value parameter of Proveedr field*/
    value: property(local!proveedor, recordType!fieldName, null),
    /*Value parameter of NIF field*/
    value: property(local!NIF, recordType!fieldName,null)

  • Thanks! I understand the idea and makes sense to me! I´m trying but it seems like the call to the expression rule is returning a rule value:

    I put it in the display value but, logically, the field is in blanck (null value):

    *The local variable usuario was just for check that the function loggedinUser is returning me the correct username

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to carlosp5114

    Can you please make sure that the rule itself is returning any data for this user and paste the rule expression here?

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