Date and time without timezone


I have a date field in Form. The selected date i need to pass it to integration service which is a datetime field. For my inputted date to pass i need to convert todatetime to pass into integration. The issue we are seeing is below conversion is appending the timezone to the datetimefield which is not needed.



7/20/2023 12:00 AM GMT+00:00(Date and Time with Timezone)



7/20/2023 12:00 AM (Date and Time)

Kindly suggest.

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Parents Reply
  • I am not just referring to textual representation which we can modify using text() function.However, I need actual datetime returned by the todatetime() function.It should not contain timezone appeneded to it. When we bring data to appian to display we may need to convert to appian equivalent which is appending  timezone to our datetime fields , we are ok if it can be reconverted back to exact datetime without appending timezone.

    Looking forward for a response regarding date and time without timezone conversion from date and time with timezone.
