Refresh Summary View


I have some refresh problems with a Summary View.
The View is composed of a dashboard (Record Type A) and a read-only grid (Record Type B). In the dashboard, there is a Customer Record Field (field C) aggregating Record Type B.
When I try to add a new record in the grid, the grid updates itself (so chaining should be ok), but field C doesn't unless I force manually the updating.
Any suggestions?

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Parents Reply
  • Nothing. I used a!refreshVariable() in two points of Record Type A: in the interface of Summary View and in the context of related action. But Field C doesn't refresh. By the way, I tried also the option refreshAlways.

    Record Type A: 
    1) Summary View Interface 
      local!query: a!refreshVariable(
        value: rule!BDNG_GetOrganismoById(id: rv!identifier),
        refreshAfter:  "RECORD ACTION"
      rule!BDNG_Form_View_Organismo(organismo: local!query)
    2) Context of Related Action to start Summary View
      local!query: a!refreshVariable(
        value: rule!BDNG_GetOrganismoById(id: rv!identifier),
        refreshAfter:  "RECORD ACTION"
      { organismo: local!query }
