is there any way to have sticky notes into the interface.

Certified Associate Developer

Hi is there any way to input this type of sticky pad into appian interface and the save the written values to the database without the use of process model.

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

        label: "Box",
        contents: {
            contents: {
                label: "Paragraph",
                labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                saveInto: {},
                refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
                height: "MEDIUM",
                validations: {}
                buttons: {
                    label: "Save",
                    icon: "floppy-o",
                    style: "NORMAL",
                    saveInto: a!writeRecords(
                      /* YOUR CONFIG */
                align: "CENTER"
            height: "AUTO",
            style: "#e69138",
            marginBelow: "NONE",
            showBorder: false
        style: "#ff9900",
        padding: "NONE",
        marginBelow: "STANDARD"

  • +1
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    I have created something similar to this still not saving the value into database

        contents: {
            labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",
            value: {
                text: {today()}
            preventWrapping: true,
            align: "RIGHT",
            marginAbove: "NONE",
            marginBelow: "NONE"
            label: "Paragraph",
            labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",
            value: ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text'],
            saveInto: ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text'],
            refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
            showCharacterCount: false,
            height: "TALL",
            validations: {}
            buttons: {
                label: "Save",
                icon: "floppy-o",
                value: true,
                  records: 'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad'(
                    'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{b1944f99-4e04-4155-b1f1-feb003daed5c}createdby': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{b1944f99-4e04-4155-b1f1-feb003daed5c}createdby'],
                    'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{466428d3-30b1-483a-884c-8b383b0cacdc}createdon': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{466428d3-30b1-483a-884c-8b383b0cacdc}createdon'],
                    'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{550f6049-5c73-4835-9071-1bcf0e02e26d}scratchpadid': ri!save['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{550f6049-5c73-4835-9071-1bcf0e02e26d}scratchpadid'],
                    'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{487aa7a0-92a7-407e-af45-e559a93ae0bd}empcode': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{487aa7a0-92a7-407e-af45-e559a93ae0bd}empcode'],
                    'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text']
                submit: true,
                width: "FILL",
                style: "NORMAL",
                loadingIndicator: true
            align: "START"
        height: "TALL",
        style: "ACCENT",
        shape: "ROUNDED",
        padding: "STANDARD",
        marginBelow: "NONE",
        showBorder: false,
        showShadow: true,
        decorativeBarPosition: "NONE",
        decorativeBarColor: "#93c47d"

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to uditac4324

    It would have been nice to show us your implementation in the first place. And mention that the issue is not the color, but storing the data to the database.

    I need answers to the following questions:

    - Do you see the data entered in that rule input?

    - Does writing to that record work in other places?

    - Do you see any error messages?

    - Did you check the tomcat-stdout log file?

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle
    • yes, data is showing in the rule input.
    • not tried
    • it doesn't show any error message.
    • no
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