Hi is there any way to input this type of sticky pad into appian interface and the save the written values to the database without the use of process model.
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Hi uditac4324
I think we can achieve above requirement using paragraph component and trigger write to data store entity smart service using button.
{ a!boxLayout( label: "Box", contents: { a!cardLayout( contents: { a!paragraphField( label: "Paragraph", labelPosition: "ABOVE", saveInto: {}, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "MEDIUM", validations: {} ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Save", icon: "floppy-o", style: "NORMAL", saveInto: a!writeRecords( /* YOUR CONFIG */ ) ) }, align: "CENTER" ) }, height: "AUTO", style: "#e69138", marginBelow: "NONE", showBorder: false ) }, style: "#ff9900", padding: "NONE", marginBelow: "STANDARD" ) }
I have created something similar to this still not saving the value into database
{ a!cardLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextItem( text: {today()} ) }, preventWrapping: true, align: "RIGHT", marginAbove: "NONE", marginBelow: "NONE" ), a!paragraphField( label: "Paragraph", labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text'], saveInto: ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text'], refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", showCharacterCount: false, height: "TALL", validations: {} ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Save", icon: "floppy-o", value: true, saveInto:a!writeRecords( records: 'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad'( 'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{b1944f99-4e04-4155-b1f1-feb003daed5c}createdby': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{b1944f99-4e04-4155-b1f1-feb003daed5c}createdby'], 'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{466428d3-30b1-483a-884c-8b383b0cacdc}createdon': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{466428d3-30b1-483a-884c-8b383b0cacdc}createdon'], 'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{550f6049-5c73-4835-9071-1bcf0e02e26d}scratchpadid': ri!save['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{550f6049-5c73-4835-9071-1bcf0e02e26d}scratchpadid'], 'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{487aa7a0-92a7-407e-af45-e559a93ae0bd}empcode': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{487aa7a0-92a7-407e-af45-e559a93ae0bd}empcode'], 'recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text': ri!spData['recordType!{d5c54eac-b1d7-451f-a3d8-7bdc984725f5}PEF ScratchPad.fields.{1968f140-6e56-482c-b90c-97f8d648c677}text'] ) ) , submit: true, width: "FILL", style: "NORMAL", loadingIndicator: true ) }, align: "START" ) }, height: "TALL", style: "ACCENT", shape: "ROUNDED", padding: "STANDARD", marginBelow: "NONE", showBorder: false, showShadow: true, decorativeBarPosition: "NONE", decorativeBarColor: "#93c47d" ) }
It would have been nice to show us your implementation in the first place. And mention that the issue is not the color, but storing the data to the database.
I need answers to the following questions:
- Do you see the data entered in that rule input?
- Does writing to that record work in other places?
- Do you see any error messages?
- Did you check the tomcat-stdout log file?
Thanks resolved the issue of storing into DB
What was the issue?
after referencing your sample code I made some changes into the save into fields and saved the data using a!writerecord sail function