Hi is there any way to input this type of sticky pad into appian interface and the save the written values to the database without the use of process model.
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{ a!boxLayout( label: "Box", contents: { a!cardLayout( contents: { a!paragraphField( label: "Paragraph", labelPosition: "ABOVE", saveInto: {}, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "MEDIUM", validations: {} ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Save", icon: "floppy-o", style: "NORMAL", saveInto: a!writeRecords( /* YOUR CONFIG */ ) ) }, align: "CENTER" ) }, height: "AUTO", style: "#e69138", marginBelow: "NONE", showBorder: false ) }, style: "#ff9900", padding: "NONE", marginBelow: "STANDARD" ) }
Thanks resolved the issue of storing into DB
What was the issue?
after referencing your sample code I made some changes into the save into fields and saved the data using a!writerecord sail function