I have users that are saving page URLs to their IE favorites but when they try t

I have users that are saving page URLs to their IE favorites but when they try to use the favorite, they are redirected to a different page.
These pages are published in the apps portal (/suite/apps#app=MainPage&nav=MainPage)
Is there a way to force the favorite to actual page that was originally saved as a IE favorite?...



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  • Eduardo, thanks for the suggestion.
    I don't have a spring-security-07-portal-override.xml but I do have spring-security-07-portal.xml.
    I made the change in our DEV environment today to the spring-security-07-portal.xml but the behavior is the same. If I try using the favorite on a non-authenticated session, it's dropping everything after the #.
    This is what I now have in the spring-security-07-portal.xml file:
    <sec:http pattern="/**" use-expressions="false" disable-url-rewriting="false" entry-
  • Eduardo, thanks for the suggestion.
    I don't have a spring-security-07-portal-override.xml but I do have spring-security-07-portal.xml.
    I made the change in our DEV environment today to the spring-security-07-portal.xml but the behavior is the same. If I try using the favorite on a non-authenticated session, it's dropping everything after the #.
    This is what I now have in the spring-security-07-portal.xml file:
    <sec:http pattern="/**" use-expressions="false" disable-url-rewriting="false" entry-
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