How to configure an array that is autopopulated by another array field to be saved in the database.


"Can you please help me? My array field, which is auto populated from another array field, takes the information but does not save it in the database. How can I adjust it to save?"

I intend to get "Codigo Finca" auto populate from a "Finca" field array list.

my interface code:

My expression rule:

  query: a!query(
    selection: a!querySelection(
      columns: {
        a!queryColumn(field: "codigoFinca"),
        a!queryColumn(field: "id"),
    pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(1,-1)

Appreciate your help.


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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    Did got the question. 
    From my assumption,
    You are trying to perform cascading dropdown like from first drop down based on selected value you want to get the choice values in the second drop down
    If that is the case then use wherecontains in choice values and choicelables to get the value.
    If you are trying to write into database provide writerecord in submit button or use process model for writing the data to database.
    Provide detailed view if these are not the cases.

  • hello, thank to all for the replies.

    Tejakunchala, you are correct,  I´m trying to perform cascading dropdown like from first drop down based on selected value, I want to get the choice values in the second drop down ( autopopulate in the second dropdown).

    This is a start form, so it´s is writng to a record on the PM.

    can you pls guide me on the code you are suggesting me.

    thanks a lot.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to guiomarv9020


    placeholder: "Select-Country",
    choiceLabels: index(local!Countries,"country",null()),
    choiceValues: index(local!Countries,"countryId",null()),
    value: fv!,
    saveInto: {fv!,a!save(fv!item.state,null())}
    placeholder: "Select-state",
    choiceLabels: if(a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!,local!states.state,index(local!states[wherecontains(tointeger(fv!,local!states.countryId)],"state",null())),
    choiceValues: if(a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!,local!states.stateId,index(local!states[wherecontains(tointeger(fv!,local!states.countryId)],"stateId",null())),
    value: fv!item.state,
    saveInto: {fv!item.state,

    Local variables:-

    a!map(stateId:1,countryId:1,state:"Andhra Pradesh"),

    Go through the code and follow logic for your code.
    Based on selected country, state choice values will be changed.

    Here wherecontains used to get the index of the match country and from local!states it will get the values based on the index. - If you are unable to understand the code, refer this.

  • Thanks a lot, I´ll try and get back. thanks also for refering to the blog.

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