Hi, I'm trying to replicate the image column in the Acme exercise.
But this expression:
if( a!isNullOrEmpty( fv!row['recordType!{99497132-80a2-4706-85d8-9d65360812d4}Vehículo de W2690.fields.{664fc039-9187-4150-90ce-6d589788d0c2}image'] ), a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE(), fv!row['recordType!{99497132-80a2-4706-85d8-9d65360812d4}Vehículo de W2690.fields.{664fc039-9187-4150-90ce-6d589788d0c2}image'] )
Is showing me this error:
"Expression evaluation error at function a!gridField_23r3 [line 51]: A grid component [label="null"] has an invalid value for "columns". A grid column [label="Image"] has encountered an error. Expression evaluation error at function a!imageField [line 87]: User Does Not Have Rights to Perform this Operation"
What am I doing wrong?
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subpopet said:has encountered an error. Expression evaluation error at function a!imageField [line 87]: User Does Not Have Rights to Perform this Operation"
Can you paste more details , Like what operation you are performing (Are you clicking it ?) and the code of total image field and the error Screenshot
I'm just trying to show the image in the list, with no interaction
Do you have Permission to view the contents of the Folder??(Where you are storing these documents)
I think its null value in image field. so u mentioned if condition, in there a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE(), is there any default document in ur application??, try this code
Here have a look into this support case.
Hi pragna jadda ,just to correct you, code would be:
if( a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!row.field), a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE(), fv!row.field )
If the value going in the field as null, we need to display example document image or the same field, most of the times, in community edition, the values are sent in null.So try to check the whether the doc Id is in the record or try with toInteger(fv!row.field).
If I just put a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE() it displays the default image for each row, so I guess it's not a permissions issue
I see this on the data, it may be the source of the problem
That's what the problem I've explained in above answer, you are storing null in image record field.
subpopet said:a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE()
It's related to fv!row.record.image , You are storing it in a folder (Which you don't have permission to see).