ImageField Component is Not Functioning Correctly Between Environments

We recently pushed deployed an interface from our development environment into our preproduction environment. A part of this interface is a document upload that then uses an imageField component to render the an uploaded heat map image. The component and interface worked as expected in development but in preproduction the image fails to render. We have checked things like security even though we noticed while logged in as admins. We tested using a small-scale interface and experienced the same behavior. I'm not sure what could be the discrepancy at this point. I'll upload some screenshots for clarity.

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  • How big is the document file?  Might not be related, but just to add, I've noticed some larger images can take a while to render AFTER the loading bar has completed (when it does not look like additional processing is occurring), vs a quicker experience from a cached image on your dev server.  If the file has any size, I would leave it up for a minute+ and see if anything happens.  Food for thought, we see some odd occurrences occasionally like this on pre-prod/test servers that have lower performance than prod/dev.
