Hi all
please help me modify my code to give 3 breadcrumbs as I have achieved to give 3 breadcrumbs but on clicking on 2nd I'm coming back to 2nd but clicking on 1st I'm not able to come back to 1st.
I attached my code where there are 3 rule inputs , in which showsubmodule and show pdf is boolean and selection is list of number
{ a!localVariables( local!currentNodeId: if( ri!showSubModule = true, if(ri!showPDF, 3, 2), 1 ), local!nodes: a!forEach( items: enumerate(local!currentNodeId) + 1, expression: choose( fv!item, a!map(name: "Knowledge Base", identifier: 1), a!map(name: "Sub Modules", identifier: 2), a!map(name: "Show PDF", identifier: 3) ) ), a!cardLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!forEach( items: local!nodes, expression: if( fv!isLast, a!richTextItem(text: fv!item.name, style: "STRONG"), { a!richTextItem( text: fv!item.name, link: a!dynamicLink( value: fv!item.identifier, saveInto: { a!save(ri!showPDF,false), a!save(ri!selection, null), } ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ), a!richTextItem(text: " / ", color: "SECONDARY") } ) ) } ) }, showBorder: false ) ) }
Help me achieve this
Stefan Helzle Mike Schmitt
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This is so confusing!?! Why not just show all three items and use some conditional logic in the showWhen to make them visible?
Can you tell me how we can use in this way or else share a code snippet if possible
All Appian UI components have the parameter "showWhen" that allows you to display it to the user based on conditions. I suggest to start with a small test to find out whether it fits your requirements.
I don't understand either.
Did you take a look at this?
okay thankyou for your response , will try this
thankyou for your response and suggestion, will go through this document