Hi all
please help me modify my code to give 3 breadcrumbs as I have achieved to give 3 breadcrumbs but on clicking on 2nd I'm coming back to 2nd but clicking on 1st I'm not able to come back to 1st.
I attached my code where there are 3 rule inputs , in which showsubmodule and show pdf is boolean and selection is list of number
{ a!localVariables( local!currentNodeId: if( ri!showSubModule = true, if(ri!showPDF, 3, 2), 1 ), local!nodes: a!forEach( items: enumerate(local!currentNodeId) + 1, expression: choose( fv!item, a!map(name: "Knowledge Base", identifier: 1), a!map(name: "Sub Modules", identifier: 2), a!map(name: "Show PDF", identifier: 3) ) ), a!cardLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!forEach( items: local!nodes, expression: if( fv!isLast, a!richTextItem(text: fv!item.name, style: "STRONG"), { a!richTextItem( text: fv!item.name, link: a!dynamicLink( value: fv!item.identifier, saveInto: { a!save(ri!showPDF,false), a!save(ri!selection, null), } ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ), a!richTextItem(text: " / ", color: "SECONDARY") } ) ) } ) }, showBorder: false ) ) }
Help me achieve this
Stefan Helzle Mike Schmitt
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I don't understand either.
Did you take a look at this?
thankyou for your response and suggestion, will go through this document