A user task with notification setting enabled - sends mail when it reaches the node.
This user task has a Save button, which brings the control back to the same node in the process flow. Upson save, mail notification triggers again.
Tried activity chaining to avoid 2nd time notification upon save, but triggers mail. Is it possible to avoid this?
Note: I can have a split gateway and have a mail notification smart service and disable the automatic config. But wanted to check if there is any OOTB.
Any help/ideas are appreciated.
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Hi keerthik0010 , Can you show me your process? Alternatively, try handling this with a variable by assigning it a value or making it null. This way, if it hits a second time and the logic doesn't satisfy the condition, it should directly proceed to the end or save.
A second email notification should not be generated if chaining is configured correctly, even with "Notify task assignees of new task.." enabled.
Can you share a snipped of your process model?
AFAIK what Chris said about chaining should be true. Otherwise, if push comes to shove, you could always duplicate the task node and have subsequent instances use the duplicate, on which you set the hardcoded configuration to disable the "send email" option. I know that's not very efficient (i don't understand why they've never set it up to be parameterized), but it's at least fairly easy to do.
I have chaining already, but task gets closed and moves to my task list.
But duplicated one would be a new task with new task ID right? For reports and task escalations, it impacts.
it would get a new Task Instance ID, but also, so would a re-launched copy of your original one if you only have a single copy of the task node (so basically no difference there in terms of reporting, as far as I can tell).
Are you missing any chaining inside of the sub-process? Since that is a synchronous sub-process, you must also chain through all of the nodes within the sub-process to ensure the chain isn't broken.
Yes I can't chain it as I have many nodes and couple of And gateways. I understood chain doesn't fit here.
Thanks for help Peter.