#SAIL. Is there a way to display three dropdowns (day, month and year) for a!dat

#SAIL. Is there a way to display three dropdowns (day, month and year) for a!dateField() ? a!dateField() displays calendar on SAIL forms and is defaulted to current month and year. But when it is used for Date Of Birth, user have to click many times to get their year of birth and then the month of birth. I know that the user can key in the DOB in dd/mm/yyyy format but some users are not aware and therefore end up clicking many times !!!



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  • A workaround that you could use is you could add an integer/drop down field above the date picker with its own rule input for year (ri!year), then for the a!dateField object, set the value to the following expression:

    if(isnull(ri!year),{},if(isnull(ri!date), date(ri!year, month(today()), day(today())), ri!date))

    This will leave the date field null if no value is given for the year field and won't produce an error in your interface, but once a value in the integer/drop down field is given, end users will be taken directly to the month of today's date in that year so they won't have to click too much for a date.

    Also, it might not be a bad idea to add instructions to the date picker so end users know they can manually type in a date.

    Where exactly do you want to see the drop down? Inside of the date picker or above the date picker in another field?
  • A workaround that you could use is you could add an integer/drop down field above the date picker with its own rule input for year (ri!year), then for the a!dateField object, set the value to the following expression:

    if(isnull(ri!year),{},if(isnull(ri!date), date(ri!year, month(today()), day(today())), ri!date))

    This will leave the date field null if no value is given for the year field and won't produce an error in your interface, but once a value in the integer/drop down field is given, end users will be taken directly to the month of today's date in that year so they won't have to click too much for a date.

    Also, it might not be a bad idea to add instructions to the date picker so end users know they can manually type in a date.

    Where exactly do you want to see the drop down? Inside of the date picker or above the date picker in another field?
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