Rich Text Editor Component Troubleshooting Guide

Starting in 24.2, the Styled Text Editor Component is available directly in the product. Consider using this component over the plug-in moving forward.

The Rich Text Editor is an Appian component plug-in that is available on the Appian App Market.  This doc provides guidance if you have trouble installing or using the plug-in. For information on how to use the Rich Text Editor in your Appian apps, see the End-User Rich Text Editor Component.

Component plug-ins, including the Rich Text Editor, only work in Appian 19.1 and later.


There are two key steps to successfully using any component plug-in.  Please review and confirm you have successfully handled the following two items before reaching out for support:

  • Configuring your Dynamic Content URL
  • Deploying the Plug-in

Deployment Troubleshooting

Configuring your Dynamic Content URL

A properly configured dynamic content URL is required to use any and all component plug-ins.  Follow the instructions here to configure your dynamic content URL: Configure Your Static and Dynamic Content URLs.

To test if your dynamic content URL is working, make sure it is accessible from your computer.  One way is to use the ping command from your computer (replacing with your dynamic content url):

$: ping <>

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=240 time=17.6 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=240 time=17.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=240 time=20.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=240 time=23.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=240 time=19.5 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 17.632/19.832/23.368/2.120 ms

Note: the content for the Rich Text Editor (and any component plug-in) is loaded by your computer's browser, not the server, so it's important that your browser be able to connect to the dynamic content URL.  It is not sufficient if only the server can connect to the dynamic content URL.

Deploying the Plug-In

  1. Copy the plug-in ZIP into the <APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/plugins/ folder on each application server.
  2. Wait 60 seconds.
  3. Open the Plug-Ins page in the Administration Console (For example:

Your plug-in should appear in the list of deployed plug-ins.

If you don't see your plug-in listed after 60 seconds, review the output of your application server log, tomcat-stdOut.log in <APPIAN_HOME>/logs (by default, it may be different in your system).  You should see a message confirming that the plug-in has been successfully installed:

Successfully installed Component Plug-in 'Rich Text Editor'

If you see an error, use the log message to help resolve the problem and redeploy the plug-in.

Usage Troubleshooting

No Output From Plug-in

If you add the component to your SAIL but do not see any output, do the following:

Check the dynamic content URL is serving the component plug-in. In your browser, go to (replace with your actual dynamic content URL).

You will see a UI similar to this:

Note: this is not a working version of the Rich Text Editor plug-in, but it proves that the plug-in files are accessible through your dynamic content URL.

If you get an error page, then your plug-in was not successfully installed.  If you get an error saying "This site can’t be reached", then your dynamic content URL is not set up correctly.

If you're able to load the plugin index.html but still do not see any output from the Rich Text Editor, do the following:


  1. Open the interface which contains the Rich Text Editor, preferably in a Site.
  2. Click the overflow menu icon   .
  3. Click More Tools.
  4. Click Developer Tools.
  5. Click the Network tab.
  6. If you do not see a Domain column, right click on any column and select Domain from the list.
  7. Look for requests made to the domain of your dynamic content URL.
  8. If you do not see any requests, then it is likely that your browser is blocking the dynamic content URL from running Javascript.  Please disable any extensions and try again.
  9. Look for requests made to index.html with the domain of your dynamic content URL.
  10. For each request, if the Status = 200, then your browser is correctly receiving the Rich Text Editor files.
  11. If the Status is any other value than 200, then your browser is not able to retrieve the Rich Text Editor files from your dynamic content URL.  Show the error to your system administrators who may be able to help you resolve the issue.

Example of the Chrome Network tab for a page that includes 4 instances of the Rich Text Editor Plugin


  1. Open the interface which contains the Rich Text Editor, preferably in a Site.
  2. Click the hamburger menu icon   .
  3. Click Web Developer.
  4. Click Network.
  5. Click the reload button or reload the whole page.
  6. Click the HTML sub-tab.
  7. If you do not see a Domain column, right click on any column and select Domain from the list.
  8. Look for requests made to the domain of your dynamic content URL.
  9. If you do not see any requests, then it is likely that your browser is blocking the dynamic content URL from running Javascript.  Please disable any extensions and try again.
  10. For each request, if the Status = 200, then your browser is correctly receiving the Rich Text Editor files.
  11. If the Status is any other value than 200, then your browser is not able to retrieve the Rich Text Editor files from your dynamic content URL.  Show the error to your system administrators who may be able to help you resolve the issue.

Example of the Firefox Network tab for a page that includes 4 instances of the Rich Text Editor Plugin

Plug-in Partially Displays

If the Rich Text Editor displays an interface similar to the image below, this means that your browser was able to load the index.html from your dynamic content URL but was not able to execute Javascript from your dynamic content URL. 

Check your Network Developer Tools to look for any requests for "compiled.js" made to the domain of your dynamic content URL.  If the Status of those requests does not equal 200, work with your system administrator to resolve the error.