OverviewStarting in 24.2, the Styled Text Editor Component is available directly in the product. Consider using this in place of the plug-in moving forward. For more information, review: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/latest/Styled_Text_Editor_Component.html
Visit https://community.appian.com/w/the-appian-playbook/1378/end-user-rich-text-editor-component for more information. If you have any problems installing or using the component, please see the https://community.appian.com/w/the-appian-playbook/1603/rich-text-editor-component-plug-in-troubleshooting-guide
Key Features & Functionality
Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, SafariSupported on Mobile
Hi Team,
Our application is setup on split DNS. When connected through VPN, it redirects via Load balancer, whereas, if it's not with VPN, it redirects via cloudflare. When connected to VPN there is no issues. When it's routed via cloudflare Rich Text editor is not visible, as the domain example-static.com & example-dynamic.com cannot be configured in cloudflare. Is there any way to access statis & dynamic contests without static & dynamic URLs
We have also tested with style text component. We noticed that some features available in Rich text plugin was not available here. So it would not be possible to implement this solution
Same issue for arabic also. in arabic, "arabic text(arabic)" appears as "arabic text)arabic("
When the keyboard is Arabic and a mixture of numbers and Arabic is typed in, the numbers are not updated as right to left. The numbers are updated on the incorrect side. for example --- when wanting to type "2024/09/10 arabic" from the right side -- the arabic text is typed first and then number (RTL), the text appears as " 10/09/2024 arabic". The english numbers are typed from LTR while the arabic is typed RTL. Depending on the keyboard setting, all the flow is expected to be from RTL. This is a mixture of RTL and LTR.
We've notice that some simple text being copied from word is losing seemingly random spaces. The line below pasted into Word and then copy and pasted into the editor will remove the space between "responsibi12345" and "to". There is nothing unique about this text and the numbers added were just playing to make and not make the problem occur with the simplest of examples. If you change 12345 to 1234, you should find the text pastes without issue. Any idea what is causing this and a solution? We first discovered it with simple sentences where we noticed words being run together.
And12 and to carry out the scrum master is responsibi12345 to
Thanks in advance!
Sorry for the inconvenience, Please find below sample code.
Sample Code:
a!localVariables( local!emlBodyText: "<p><a href="&"">Visit">www.w3schools.com/"&">Visit W3Schools.com!</a></p>", fn!richTextFieldWithTables( label: "Comment", labelPosition: "ABOVE", validations: {}, richTextValue: local!emlBodyText, richTextSaveInto: local!emlBodyText, readOnly: true(), disabled: false(), height: "MEDIUM" ))
Is this component, can open this kind of links in new browser tab. Instead of opening in the same page. Please let me know, If any queries.
We have a business requirement to copy complete email content, including text, images, and signatures. For this editor, we used the following plugins:
Despite this, when copying and pasting email content directly into the rich text editor, the text is successfully transferred, but the images are not.
As a workaround, I first copied the email content into a file, then copied the images from the word file and pasted them into the editor. This method successfully included the images.
Could you please help me understand why the images are not being copied directly and advise on how to resolve this issue?
That Sample Code isn't even syntactically valid SAIL when I copy it into Appian