KB-1014 "<user> is not a permitted URI under the configured security rules and cannot be cast to safeUri" error when opening summary view of a user record


When a user accesses the User record in Tempo, opens one of the users, and opens the Summary View, the following error will occur:

An Error Has Occurred
Expression evaluation error at function a!userRecordSummaryDashboard: test'user@appiancorp.com is not a permitted URI under the configured security rules and cannot be cast to safeUri. (APNX-1-4198-012)


The user's email contains a special character that is not permitted in a a!safeUri.


Create an email alias in your mail server that does not have the special character and use that as the username in Appian.


Use percent encoding when using special characters for a user account's email address. E.g., test'user@appiancorp.com would need to be test%27user@appiancorp.com.

For percent-encoding information, refer to the Percent-encoding Wikipedia page.

For details on SafeUri data in Appian, refer to the SafeURI section of the Appian Data Types documentation page.

Warning: Percent encoding only applies on URI's and there is no translation in email for test%27user@appiancorp.com as an example. Not having a valid email address will cause the following:

  • User will not receive email alerts.
  • User will not receive emails from processes that send email based on the user type.
  • User will not be able to reset password via email.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: April 2017
