KB-2320 How to configure SMS notification for Critical cases created by Appian Support.


Appian Support may occasionally initiate new support cases to alert you of incidents detected by our Appian Cloud monitoring system. This article outlines the process for subscribing to SMS notifications for Support Contacts within your company, enabling you to receive alerts when Appian Support creates a Critical case for your production environment.



  • To subscribe to SMS notifications, the desired user must be a Support Contact. To update the Support Contacts in your company, see KB-2157
  • Support Contacts can only subscribe themselves. Account Administrators can remove any subscribed Support Contacts.
  • All Support Contacts must have a valid, reachable mobile phone number associated with their profile. To add this number, follow the steps in KB-1558 for the Office Phone field.
  • The provided mobile phone number must to follow the E.164 format.


  1. Navigate to MyAppian and click on Support Accounts.
  2. Open the Update contacts notified via SMS related action.
  3. Add or remove yourself as appropriate.
  4. Save the changes.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.
