Appian Introspect Capability


Create SAIL variables with objects that are usually only system-generated! Introspect give the possibility to parameterize some behavior bases on meta definitions. Allows Designers to model references to Appian objects. Also provides functions to read and write object references.

Works with the following objects:

  • Types
  • CDTs
  • Rules
  • Process Models

Key Features & Functionality

Main Functions

  • CreateTypeReference and CreateTypeReferenceFromTypeId: Given a Type or a typeId returns an instance of the TypeReference CDT which points to it.
  • GetType, GetListType, NewValue, GetFieldNames are also implemented for the TypeReference CDT
  • CreateFieldReference, GetFieldType, IsFieldArray: Given a TypeReference and a field name, returns an instance of the CDTFieldReference CDT which points to the field definition. You can get the typeId from the returned CDTFieldReference and ask it the referenced field is an array
  • CreateRuleReference, GetRule: Given a Rule Reference returns an instance of RuleReference CDT which point to the given Rule. You can get back the original rule Reference and invoke it if necessary.
  • CreateProcessModelReference, GetProcessModel: Given a Process Model Constant returns an instance of ProcessModelReference CDT which point to the same Process Model as the given constant. You can get back the original Process Model reference and invoke it.
  • CreateEntityReference, GetEntity, GetEntityTypeReference: Given an Entity Constant returns an instance of EntityReference CDT which point to the same Entity as the given constant. Again you can get back the original Data Store Entity, you can also get a Reference to the CDT that is persisted in the referenced entity.
  • LoadMetadata: Returns a CDTMetadataModel grouping the metadata of the given CDT and any other rereferenced directly or indirectly indexed by typeId.
  • I just tried to install that plugin on Appian 22.4. It failed with the following error message in the tomcat-stdout log file.

    2022-11-30 15:10:22,285 [http-nio-8080-exec-4471] ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'Introspect' (introspect) version 1.2: 'The Function Module could not be installed due to invalid type: Invalid Type: Unsupported type Use the @Type annotation to indicate the type of a function parameter. The deprecated type attribute for the @Parameter annotation has been removed. (APNX-1-4104-008)'
  • I just tried to install that plugin on Appian 22.4. It failed with the following error message in the tomcat-stdout log file.

    2022-11-30 15:10:22,285 [http-nio-8080-exec-4471] ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'Introspect' (introspect) version 1.2: 'The Function Module could not be installed due to invalid type: Invalid Type: Unsupported type Use the @Type annotation to indicate the type of a function parameter. The deprecated type attribute for the @Parameter annotation has been removed. (APNX-1-4104-008)'
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