Appian Scrum Board (ASB) - Scooby


Manage your projects right where you work with Vuram’s powerful and intuitive application, ASB.

  • The application allows organizations to handle all development work and track the progress within Appian itself.
  • Users have options to manage sprints, maintain backlogs, configure lanes, control user permissions and much more.
  • The use of third party applications and multiple logins can be overcome by using Scooby.
  • The application offers a completely customizable and intuitive user interface to make project management fun, easy and efficient.

Key Features & Functionality

  • The application allows the user to select the board they want to view on the Landing page. This board name is auto-selected in all other pages of the application for ease of track.
  • ASB - Scrum Board: This tab displays the tickets in different lanes, which also shows different phases of the ticket life cycle. It provides options to create a new sprint, filter the tickets with various combinations, edit tickets, move the tickets between the lanes, and complete the sprint.
  • Editing tickets: This enables the user to create a subtask, add attachments, link issues, add an assignee, log work hours, and add comments.
  • Tickets: All tickets created to date will be listed in this tab. It also provides options to edit the ticket and filters to modify the search criteria.
  • Backlog: Current sprint and backlog tickets will be available on this page of the application. Users can use the arrow against each item to move them from the backlog. New tickets can be created from this page as well.
  • Analytics: The application allows the user to analyse the trend of work using the various graphs and charts provided in this tab.
  • Admin Tools: It has four options to manage the functionality of the application.
    • Project Boards: Admin Users can add new boards, describe them and check information about who has access to each board.
    • Sprints: The current sprint details are displayed and it provides an option to edit the description and end date. Admins can track the progress of the sprint, create new sprints and refer to completed ones.
    • Configurations: Admins users can define the name, color and alignment of the lanes. Adding status and choosing the lane they belong to are few other features available here.
    • Groups: Different levels of access in the application can be configured.