Apryse WebViewer Component Plug-in


Apryse WebViewer for Appian is renowned document technology that powers mission-critical applications for private companies, large enterprises, and governments alike.

  • Made Better – Document Processing Tools
    • Bring a fully customizable suite of the highest quality document tools to your Appian instance and easily integrate any common and uncommon document capabilities to work on PDF, MS Office, Images, HTML, CAD, BIM, DICOM, and many more.
  • Out-of-the-box or Fully Customizable User Interface
    • Adjust the user experience to align with your Appian requirements and configure styling and available functionalities comfortably in Appian Designer - or take full control of the user experience and customize details by directly changing the UI’s source code.
  • Secure Client-Side Processing
    • Eliminate security loopholes: Not only can your users complete document tasks within Appian, with client-side processing the data also never leaves the Appian instance.
  • Conveniently Open & Save Documents from and to Appian 
  • Pricing:
    • The Plug-in offers unlimited WebViewer features for free in demo mode, limited only by watermarking processed documents until a license is obtained.
    • Apryse's licensing model scales appropriately with the depth of licensed functionality and your anticipated scope of distribution.
    • Before deploying to production, please contact us to obtain a license: https://apryse.com/form/contact-sales?utm_medium=partner&utm_source=appian
  • Support:

Key Features & Functionality

  • View & Search on PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, Images, and more
    • Multiple viewing options, reflow mode, and unlimited zoom allow you to view even the most complex or large documents with high-speed and reliability.
  • Annotate, comment, review & approvals
    • Collaborate on PDF, MS Office, and other formats using any of 35+ different annotation tools, such as highlights, stamps and notes. Export annotations via XFDF, and all PDF annotation types.
  • PDF In-line Text Editing
    • Edit & reflow PDF text and images, resize or change the position of text and images. Apply different styles like bolding, italicizing or underlining.
  • PDF Page Manipulation & Document Assembly
    • Insert pages and content, append, split, remove, crop, reorder, rotate, export, edit, and more – manually or programmatically.
  • Redaction
    • Safely and permanently remove sensitive content from PDFs. Redact regions and text manually in the Viewer - or programmatically via search & redact, including RegEx search to detect and remove personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Digital Signatures
    • Sign PDFs using standard (and custom) Digital Signatures. Extract information for validation. Support multiple signatures and XFDF.
  • PDF Form Filling & Extraction
    • Support interactive form filling, FDF, and embedded JavaScript - or programmatically create, pre-fill, sign, extract, and flatten PDF forms.
  • Document Comparison
    • Compare two documents side by side and highlight differences. Compare changes in semantic categories, such as headers, paragraphs, numbers, and generate a differences summary document for easy review.
  • Learn more about WebViewer:
  • Thanks - that appears to be the culprit behind the confusion here.  I was able to use that control to rotate a page in a document and i can confirm it persisted after hitting "save".

    Also, a bit of a feature request: if using this in a production system, I'd want an easier way to provide the user a generic template, and when they hit "save", have the component save a new (separate) copy (with either the same name or a pre-determined one), without having to require the user to hit "save as" and type a hand-entered name. 

    The current options don't allow us to do this, though they're frustratingly close.  It would simply require a new optional flag called "saveNewCopy", maybe a new field called "newCopyFilename" or similar, and it could utilize the existing "document folder" parameter for the save-to location (which, BTW, if not provided during a "save as", saves new documents to a "null" Folder ID, leaving them in a weird limbo in the appian filesystem - just fyi.  it would be better if it could be "forced" somehow, or hardcoded to /Default Community/Temporary KC/Temporary Documents, if a better value isn't provided).

  • Hi Mike, View Controls are just for user preference on viewing the document in moment, if you open the page manipulation, rotate it and save the document, it will preserve the orientation.

  • I can confirm the above behavior, i believe (i just installed the plug-in this afternoon after learning about it in the 22.3 webinar).  I can rotate the document using the "rotate clockwise" control under "page orientation" in the "View Controls" nav button, save (which saves an apparently new version), but upon reloading the interface, the original document loads again but in its original orientation.  Maybe this control isn't meant to indicate the document itself will be rotated?  But if so, it's not very well explained.

  • Thanks for your response Andrey. When we access the site from office network there's restriction of rendering things if network detects something as Mixed Content. Message that we saw from console was - Page was loaded over https but requested an insecure frame. Request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPs. 

    When we tried the same thing outside office network, it worked.

  • Hello Mithun, the only limitation is a watermark during rendering. Are there any errors in the console https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/open/ for users it does not render?

    Where are you opening files from?

  • Is there any limitation on usage of this plugin with demo mode? As we installed the plugin in our Sandbox environment it's working for one user and not for others. Images & Documents are not rendering in a WebViewer with this plugin except for one user.

    We have signed up for individual PDFTron account as well for Webviewer Connected System Plug in configuration.

  • Hello, happy to help! Please reach out to andrey@pdftron.com. How are you rotating the documents?

  • I am playing around with this functionality and am having an issue with saving rotated documents.  If I draw on the document and save, I see the changes.  If I rotate the document and save, then the changes are not reflected in the new document.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

  • v1.0.2 Release Notes
    • Added support for viewing, annotating and manipulating MS Office files client-side without reliance on any third-party servers.
    • Added a new variable that allows loading and saving the XFDF string that contains annotations.
    • Added a new button to UI that allows updating the XFDF string.
  • Hi Andrey! It's all good now. This component is a really big help.