OverviewAs a Peer Reviewer I want to have a fast and predictable method of checking the quality of application patches so that I do not have to exert a lot of time and energy manually checking these against the application standards.
As a Lead Developer I want to define and manage the quality standards that comprise the 'Definition of Good' for my application so that they can be applied and reported on in a peer review against an application patch.
Key Features & Functionality
Report on missing labels/accessibility text for Interface Object components
AQA_ER_getObjectAttributeValueByAttributeName--its failing here in this rule, every time, we run a patch
If you just updated like we had done it seems that the file structure of the patch has changed. I made some changes to AQA_ER_getPatchObjects and we were back up running.
fn!reject( fn!isnull, a!forEach( items: ri!patchContent, expression: if( and( contains( rule!AQA_ER_allObjectFileExtensions(), document( fv!item, "extension" ) ), /*file not called patches*/ document(fv!item,"name")<>"patches.xml" ) , fv!item, null ) ) )