Automated Versioning Manager (AVM)


The Automated Versioning Manager is a tool that helps manage Appian applications and database DDL files in a version control system. Given an Appian application ZIP file, the Automated Versioning Manager performs the following actions:

  • Unzips the application and organizes the artifact XML files in the repository.
  • Automates the check-in and check-out operations with the version control system.
  • Generates application packages for import in Appian based on the contents of the repository and a range of changes to include.

This tool is frequently used with the native, external deployment APIs ( or the Automated Import Manager (AIM) ( Unless you are doing deployments for the Admin Console, we suggest using the native APIs.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Version Control integration (Git, SVN)
  • Supports Appian applications and packages
  • Generate import package from hash ranges
  • Folder Listener to add contents to Version Control
  • Supports GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket for Version Control

You can access the source code for AVM by exploding the ZIP file after download.

Note: This utility does not support Java version 9.0. 

  • Please try to use the Personal access tokens(PAT) token in place your Git password(vcPassword) in Version Manager property file.

    How to generate the PAT token in Git.

    1) Login to your Git

    2) Go to settings

    3) Select to Developer Settings

    4) From the lift side options please select the "Personal access tokens" and click on "Generate a personal access token

    5) Please mention the name of Token and select the scopes of this token

    6) In Below of page please click on Generate token.

    7) Please note down the generated token as it will be display only once to you.

    8) Use the generated token in vcPassword in the

    I hope the above steps will help you to resolve the Authorized issue.

  • Did you resolve this, i m getting the same error ?

  • Hi Team ,

    I am facing the below error When I am taking addContent Action.

    It is saying Git Authentication failed while pushing the changes to Git, I am not able to understand if there is an authentication issue then how it cloned the remote repo to the local repo. JUST FYI there is no two-way authentication in my remote repository.

    Please if any one has any idea then help me.


  • Hi Team ,

    I am new to DevOps  , I am facing the below two errors , Please have a look

    1 ) When I am taking action updateRepo , Cloning Done successfully but at the end it seems some error, please find the highlighted context in red in the attached document.

  • v2.5.30 Release Notes
    • Changed the settings so logging is now on by default

  •  i am not able to download this utility , getting network error

  • v2.5.26 Release Notes
    • Updates to Zip4j library

  • Hi All,  

    I am new to the Appian DevOps. Please suggest where do we need to install this AVM (ie under which parent folder).

    And also can someone share the steps to follow?


  • I got the same error.
    The git repo I was working with had no files in it. So I created a simple README.MD file and pushed it to the git repo. The addContents action started to work for me then.

    1. Navigate to local repo directory
    2. Create README.MD file:

        For mac or linux run command: echo "This repo contains the Appian objects" > README.MD

        For Windows run command: notepad.exe README.MD then enter the text in the file and save the file

    3. Initialize the git if you haven't already with command: git init -b {branch name}

    4. Add the file you just created with: git add -A

    5. Commit the files with command: git commit -m "{your message here}"

    6. Set up the remote repo, if you haven't already done so: git remote add origin {http git url}

    7. Push the README.MD file to the repo: git push origin {your branch here}

    Then rerun the the AVM addContents command.

    Hope this helps.

  • As per the latest version-application properties it says only GIT is supported. Kindly clarify if SVN can as well integrated ? thanks